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When To Be Neat vs. When You Should Rock

Dr. Rye

So the blog has been taken over lately by other very important news and has cast our muse, our pet, our reason for the season, #bourbon aside. Alas! For thine hath foresaketh no more! Today, we will discuss, in I, Dr. Rye's, humble opinion, when you should be adding ice to your delish liquid from the gods and when that shit should be rawer than how I like me steaks. Let's interject here with the most appetizing steak from a movie ever, which was featured when Ralphie from The Sopranos is about to fuck everyone over in The Matrix.

I mean...

If I wasn't married... the things I would do...

Alright, back on track. I think that when it comes to chilling and watering down your bourbon, it's strictly a quality-driven choice. I bet a lot of people would agree, and it's actually really nice to get along with everyone for once.

I'll throw out a few examples. If you're ever going to be drinking any of my 5 Best Bourbons Under $30... yeah you're going to want to load that puppy up with some ice. But let me show you what kind of ice, because not just any old freezer-burnt swill will do, even for my budget picks of 2020.

First, the bourbon. Let's say you pick yourself up some Four Roses Small Batch, a bourbon that just narrowly missed my list. It's right around budget pricing, great for mixing, but sure, it can go down the hatch straight with no issues. But, you're going to want to incorporate one of these bad boys in your glass to make the liquid oh-so-much-more-delicious.

I got this guy at a gentlemanly store for like $12 and it's one of my most favorite things I own. It's floppy silicon and makes the perfect ice cube to fit in a standard glass. Wanna go sphere? Buddy, that's if that's your freaking prerogative then go for it. I like the cube because it's insanely easy to fill up and pop out, the spheres have a few more steps and I like to drink more than I like to prep.

On the flip side, there are some bourbons that ice should never touch. Let's just completely leave my Evan Williams 12-Year out of this conversation before I shut down this website completely and return to the oil fields where I belong. Recently I was gifted a bottle of Elijah Craig Single Barrel. This person obviously knows the way to my heart, and I'd never insult them by diluting a liquid so smooth and pure I feel like I could throw it down during a marathon at one of those table pit stop things.

So, in summary, it's all about the puddin'. I'd never tell a man or lady how they have to drink their bourbon, that's completely against the spirit of the game. But, if you want to maximize your time with your precious sauces properly, heed my advice and as always, continuing working on that #BodyByBourbon.


Have your own tips and tricks for enjoying our favorite beverage? Leave them anonymously in the comment section below!

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